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Attendance and Illness


At Ballyhenry PS we believe that regular, reliable attendance and punctuality are essential to support learning, growth and development.  Children who attend regularly and who are on time get the best start to their school day.  Children learn best when they are in class learning with their peers.  Children who miss school frequently can become isolated and this makes learning more difficult.  At Ballyhenry we aim to support children to be in school, learning in a happy and safe environment so that each child can reach their full potential. Every day in school counts!

DENI Recognises the importance of attendance and notes that Attendance percentages can be misleading:

Percentage Attendance Days Missed per Year Attendance Classification
100% Attendance 0 Days Excellent
95% Attendance 9 Days  Satisfactory
90% Attendance 19 Days Poor
85% Attendance 28 Days

Very Poor

80% Attendance 38 Days Unacceptable
75% Attendance 46 Days Unacceptable

Please see DENI Attendance Matters Leaflet for more details.

Absent From School

Even though we strive to have every child in school, every day, we know that there are reasons why children cannot attend school.   


Your child should stay home from school if he has a contagious disease. A contagious disease is one that can be spread by close contact with a person or object.  It is very hard to prevent the spread of some germs, especially in a school classroom. This includes general illnesses like bad a cold or flu, contagious childhood illnesses like chicken pox, strep throat and eye infections.  You should always check with the doctor if you are unsure as to how long your child needs to remain at home.  The school does have NHS Guidance in this regard and we are happy to help.  As a general rule, your child can return to school if they are well enough as long as they have no fever and had not been sick or had diarrhoea for 48 hours.

Covid-19 is also a contagious Infection and is still circulating in our community.

If you need more information about common illnesses, please visit the NHS Website: 


We appreciate that carers do their best to ensure that children attend appointments afterschool but sometimes a trip to the dentist, doctor or hospital during school hours cannot be avoided.  We understand.  It is important that you let us know of these circumstances so they can be properly recorded.

Family Circumstances

Family life is complicated and sometimes things happen and it is unavoidable for your child to miss school.  It is so difficult for families if someone is in the hospital or in the terrible circumstance of bereavement.  Please let the school know of your circumstances; we will do anything to help. Simply email 

Report your Child’s Absence

It is essential that you let us know if your child is not able to attend school.

  • On the first day of absence, by telephone, before 9.00 am and
  • In writing, detailing the reason for absence on the first day back

Alternatively, it is often easier to complete the digital absent form via the app (or the link on this page).  This form goes directly to the class teacher.  This ensures that the absence is accurately recorded on your child's school records.