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Rupert's Report 23-02-2025

23rd Feb 2025

🐕 Bark, Bark! Oh my goodness, it’s been a super-duper busy week back at school, and I’m just bouncing with excitement! Ruff! I was so waggy to see all my tiddly peeps again—my tail was wagging a million miles an hour! Spending time in Mrs Boucher's Learning Steps Room was the bestest, and I’m learning my sounds like a clever pup! I can feel it—I’m gonna be reading like my human pals very soon! I love it when you snuggle up and read with me; it makes my heart go zoom!

After school, I had the most pawsome time playing and learning new things! I bounced over to a Jujitsu Class at the leisure centre, and trying all those cool moves was a blast! Then, I scampered off to teacher training with Mrs Knocker. I learned so much about how getting outside and having fun is super-duper important for us too! I’m so "paw-sitive" this applies to all my furry buddies! Woff? I put it to the test by splashing around in the rain and mud this weekend! Oh boy, did I have a tail-wagging blast getting all muddy! Mrs Knocker giggled and said puppies who are all wet and muddy need a bath, so she plopped me in the Belfast Sink for a bubbly scrub all around my ears!

And guess what, my furry friends? I finally got my big boy training harness! I feel so cool and "growed up," just like my sisters! I can’t wait to show it off to you my tiddly peeps on Monday! It’s gonna be the best reveal ever! What a tail-wagging week I’ve had!
